2021 Vahagn Setian Charitable foundation scholarship

021 Vahagn Setian Charitable foundation scholarship recipients are:

Elliot Katz and Michelle Labib

This year, once more the Senior Awards night took place virtually over the zoom, on June 7th.
We congratulate Elliot Katz and Michele Labib and wish them a positively distinguished future.
Carry on with raising awareness and mindful choices wherever you are.

2020 Vahagn Setian Charitable Foundation Scholarship

2020 Vahagn Setian Charitable Foundation Scholarship was given to Benjamin Ramirez. Traditionally Senior Awards night would have taken place in person, but this year it had to be done virtually, live/recorded event via Zoom. Which took place on June 2, 2020. We congratulate Benjamin and wish him magnificent future!

Last Assembly at the High School

2016 VSCF Scholarships Awarded

On Tuesday, May 24th 2016 the following scholarships were presented during the Annual Senior Awards Event for Beverly Hills High School students.

2016 Vahagn Setian & BHPD B2V Teams Scholarship recipient was Audrey Levy. 2016 Vahagn Setian Charitable Foundation Scholarship recipient wes Davina Mehdizadeh – Congratulations to both of them and our best wishes!

If you have comments or questions e-mail ksetian@vahagnfoundation.org


2015 VSCF Scholarships Awarded

On May 27th 2015 the following scholarships were presented during the Annual Senior Awards Event for Beverly Hills High School students.

2015 Vahagn Setian & BHPD B2V Teams Scholarship recipient was Daniel Newman 2015 Vahagn Setian Charitable Foundation Scholarship recipients were: Emily Hoorfar, Jordan Wagner and Nicolas Davis – Congratulations to all of them and our best wishes!

If you have comments or questions e-mail ksetian@vahagnfoundation.org

2014 VSCF Scholarships Awarded

On May 28th. 2014 the VSCF awarded three scholarships to deserving Beverly High School students during the annual Senior Awards Event. The awards were presented on stage. In front of the Class of 2014 and their guests by Chairman of the Board Karen Setian and his wife Ida along with BHPD officer Dan Tanner, who was representing BHPD Baker to Vegas relay team.

The 2014 VSCF B2V Scholarship was awarded to Leora Hakim who will be attending Loyola Marymount University. Two other seniors Ryan Rutigliano and David Prokopenko received financial awards from the Foundation as well. Ryan will attend University of Colorado Boulder and David will attend SMC.

If you have comments or questions e-mail ksetian@vahagnfoundation.org

2013 VSCF Scholarships Awarded

On June 12th 2013 the VSCF awarded three scholarships to deserving Beverly Hills High School students during the annual Senior Awards Night event. The awards were presented on stage in front of the Beverly Hills High School Class of 2013 and their guests by Chairman of the Board Karen Setian and three BHPD offers who repressed the VSCF partnership with the BHPD Baker to Vegas relay team.

The 2013 VSCF B2V Scholarship was awarded to Jeramiah Williams a BHHS senior who embodies many of the principles Vahagn lived by. Two other BHHS seniors Jason Friedman and Elbert Kim received finical awards from the VSCF for their accomplishments and spirit both inside and outside of the classroom.


If you have comments or questions e-mail ksetian@vahagnfoundation.org


Third “Every Fifteen Minutes” Program at Beverly Hills High School

Today, November 27, 2012 will mark the third occurrence of the “The Every 15 Minutes” program that has taken place on the Beverly Hills High School Campus. This emotionally impactful presentation involves BHHS students, dramatizing the often-lethal consequences of drinking and distractive driving. Please remember to always think about the choices you make and we will be sure to post an event update after the event has concluded.

If you have comments or questions e-mail ksetian@vahagnfoundation.org

2012 Vahagn Setian Awards Presented!

On Wednesday, June 20 2012 at the BHHS Peterson Auditorium the 2012 awards were presented to Cameron Countryman, Ralph Yun, Jeraud Williams. The awards were presented by Vahagn’s parents Karen and Ida Setian along with BHPD officer Dan Tanner.

If you have comments or questions e-mail ksetian@vahagnfoundation.org

2012 Baker to Vegas Relay Sum-up

The B2B road race always has been described as “grueling.” As it happens, that adjective wasn’t nearly strong enough! We underestimated the brutality of this year’s relay — 110 miles of desert with unseasonably savage 110-degree weather. The teams started from Baker on Saturday afternoon and crossed the finish line in Las Vegas on Sunday morning. Dozens of runners literally dropped from exhaustion. Some had to be airlifted to hospitals for treatment. But all our BHPD runners finished! The team took 4th place, barely a minute behind their colleagues (and cross-town rivals) from West Hollywood. Our runners’ spirit, determination and unfailing good cheer remain an example to all.

If you have comments or questions e-mail ksetian@vahagnfoundation.org

2012 Baker to Vegas Relay

For 23 years, the officers of the Beverly Hills Police Department have sent runners to participate in the Challenge Cup/Baker-to-Vegas Relay, a yearly road race that attracts law enforcement personnel from all over the U.S. and around the world. This year the event takes place from April 20th to 22nd. Organizers expect over 6000 runners and support personnel to compete in this grueling and prestigious 110-mile relay.

If you have comments or questions e-mail ksetian@vahagnfoundation.org

2011 Annual Vahagn Setian B2V Memorial Run/Walk

The members of the Beverly Hills Police Department’s Baker to Vegas Team, jointly with the Vahagn Setian Charitable Foundation are going to institute an annual 5k run/walk through the streets of Beverly Hills. The event is to honor the memory of a young life tragically taken in our city, and to bring our schools, community and police together in promoting leadership, teamwork and the courage to make the right decisions.

If you have comments or questions e-mail ksetian@vahagnfoundation.org

2011 Memorial Blood Drive

BHHS ASB, The City of Beverly Hills, UCLA blood donor center, The Vahagn Setian Charitable Foundation and The Lev Foundation came together to make the Memorial Blood Drive the most successful blood drive in Beverly Hills High School history. We surpassed our previous record of 209 and collected 237 units of blood. The blood collected will help save up to 711 lives.

If you have comments or questions e-mail ksetian@vahagnfoundation.org

2011 Baker To Vegas Relay

The Annual Baker-to-Vegas Relay covers some 120 miles of rough terrain. This year’s challenge began at Baker, CA on April 16, and ended in the early morning of April 17 at the Las Vegas Hilton. Despite the 96F+ temperature during the day and 45F during the night, and despite fierce competition from 268 elite teams representing law enforcement agencies (police and sheriff’s departments, Secret Service, FBI, DEA and others), our BHPD team finished THIRD in their category!

If you have comments or questions e-mail ksetian@vahagnfoundation.org

2011 Baker To Vegas Relay

Beverly Hills Police Officers will be participating in the annual Challenge Cup/Baker to Vegas Relay for the 22nd consecutive year. In 2011 the Beverly Hills Police Department’s Baker to Vegas Relay Team is proud to join with the Vahagn Setian Charitable Foundation in raising public awareness to the dangers of drinking and driving. Together with the foundation, the BHPD Baker to Vegas team is establishing a scholarship for the Beverly High student who best exemplifies him or herself in bringing awareness to the dangers of drinking and driving.

If you have comments or questions e-mail ksetian@vahagnfoundation.org

2011 Memorial Blood Drive

The Beverly Hills High School administration and UCLA blood donor center have decided to name and promote their annual spring blood drive at the high school in memory of Vahagn Setian and Daniel Levian. Vahagn was set to graduate from Beverly High in 2008. On December 3, 2006, at 17 years of age, Vahagn lost his life because of a drunk driver. Daniel graduated from UCLA in 2003. On July 12, 2008, at 26 years of age, Daniel lost his life because of a drunk driver. Beverly Hills High’s spring 2011 blood drive, which is expected to involve nearly 200 student blood donors, has been calendared for Thursday, June 2, 2011.

If you have comments or questions e-mail ksetian@vahagnfoundation.org

“Every Fifteen Minutes” Event 2010

On May 25th and 26th “Every Fifteen Minutes” program took place at Beverly Hills High School. This emotionally impactful presentation involved BHHS students, dramatizing the often-lethal consequences of drinking and distractive driving. Karén Setian, the Chairman of VSCF, was in the Executive Committee and the Foundation was one of the largest sponsors of the event. Mr. Setian also spoke at the second day assembly, which was a very emotional event for all present. We hope that this is one lesson the students will learn and will never forget – and pass that knowledge along to people of all ages.

If you have comments or questions e-mail ksetian@vahagnfoundation.org

Vahagn Setian & Daniel D. Levian Memorial Blood Drive

Please come and give your blood for The City of Hope co-sponsored by The Los Angeles County Distric Attorney’s Office, The City of Beverly Hills, & The MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Drivers).

Monday, March 22, 2010
10:00 AM – 4:30 PM
Beverly Hills Public Library
in the 2nd floor auditorium

(Blood donors must be at least 17 years old)

If you have comments or questions e-mail ksetian@vahagnfoundation.org

The Anniversary of a Tragic Day

To our extended family of children and friends: it is hard to accept that 3 years passed since Vahagn’s tragic loss. Each and everyone of you continue your support us and for the last 2 days the support was expressed in so many ways: emails, phone calls, text messages, letters and whoever was in town came to the tree. Seing some of you with crutches, casts, driving long distances from your far away universities, or arriving past midnight without a car and trying not to show your tears is very heartwarming and deeply appreciated. In all this tragedy we are still blessed because you are part of our lives.

Thank you, with much love,
The Setians

If you have comments or questions e-mail ksetian@vahagnfoundation.org

“Every Fifteen Minutes” Event 2010

To increase student awareness of the dangers of drunk driving, May 25th and 26th 2010 the Foundation will be joining Beverly High, the Maple Counseling Center, the Beverly Hills Police and Fire Departments and Cedars-Sinai Medical Center to present a two-day program called “Every Fifteen Minutes.”

This emotionally impactful presentation will involve BHHS students, dramatizing the often lethal consequences of drinking and driving. We hope that this is one lesson they will learn and will never forget – and pass that knowledge along to people of all ages.

If you have comments or questions e-mail ksetian@vahagnfoundation.org